The Victorian Marine and Coastal Council is excited to announce that nominations for the prestigious Victorian Marine and Coastal Awards are now open.

The 2024 Victorian Marine and Coastal Awards celebrate the many people and organisations contributing to sustainably managing and protecting the marine and coastal environment across Victoria. The Awards recognise the role of communities and highlight the importance of partnerships in ensuring the many values of Victoria’s marine and coastal areas are maintained and enhanced for the future.

We invite you to nominate an individual, group or organisation today, to recognise and celebrate their important contributions to the sustainable management and protection of Victoria’s marine and coastal environment, at Nominations close on 30 September 2024.

2024 Nomination Guidelines and Criteria for Assessment (PDF, 115.0 KB)

The Awards will bring together the whole marine and coastal sector – including the Victorian community, Traditional Owners, universities, Coastcare groups, committees of management, not-for-profit organisations, local councils, state government departments and agencies, as well as private landowners and companies – to celebrate our treasured coast.

The Awards ceremony will be held on 7 November 2024, presented by the Hon. Steve Dimopoulos, Minister for Environment, on Wurundjeri Country at Showtime Events Centre in South Wharf, Melbourne (Naarm).

The Awards are designed to attract a diverse range of nominations reflecting the incredible work done to protect and enhance the marine and coastal environment. Nominations can be made under the following categories:

  Leadership in Climate Adaptation and Resilience For projects, programs or initiatives that embed a climate resilient approach in marine and/or coastal management, planning or operations.
  Marine and Coastal Stewardship For private landowners and public lease/license holders who demonstrate marine and coastal stewardship – enabling and demonstrating outstanding respect and care for marine and coastal areas.
  Excellence in Marine and Coastal Design or Deveopment

A. Community and Volunteer groups/individuals

B. Professional agencies, large organisations and industry
For projects and initiatives that showcase innovative, leading practice in marine and/or coastal design or development that is consistent with the principles of the Marine and Coastal Act 2018.
  Recognising Individual Achievement and Emerging Leadership

A. For an individual in recognition of their significant and long-term contribution to the protection and improvement of Victoria's marine and coastal environment

B. For an emerging leader or youth showing potential and promise in marine and coastal leadership in Victoria
For an individual in recognition of their significant and long-term to the protection and improvement of Victoria’s marine and coastal environment or an emerging leader or youth showing potential and promise in marine and coastal leadership in Victoria.
  Distinction in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation For projects, programs and initiatives delivering an outstanding contribution to enhancing, conserving and protecting coastal and marine ecosystems and species, through marine and/ or coastal management, planning or operations.
Embedding Traditional Owner Cultural Practices in Management For an indigenous individual, Traditional Owner organisation or group who has actively embedded cultural practices into marine and coastal management, planning or operations.

Inspiring Community Engagement and Education

A. Community and Volunteer groups/individuals

B. Professional agencies, large organisations and industry
For projects, programs or initiatives making an outstanding contribution to community education and/ or engagement to improve the Victorian community’s understanding of, and connection with, the coastal and marine environment.

Media Release - Celebrating Excellence in Marine and Coastal Care and Management (PDF, 262.9 KB)

Page last updated: 28/08/24