Finalist - Inspiring community engagement and education
(professional agencies and large organisations)
Bellarine Catchment Network is a non-for-profit environmental organisation based in the Bellarine Peninsula. The Network established in 1997 as a grass roots, community driven project to protect the Swan Bay marine Ramsar wetland and has expanded to a portfolio of over 30 terrestrial and marine projects and partnerships working with 32 ‘friends of’ groups, organisations and land managers. Initiatives include:
- ‘Gardens for Wildlife’ program
- ‘Be a Hero’ litter campaign
- educational programs in schools
- planting days with local groups
- ‘Caring for our Bays’
- ‘Businesses Caring For Our Bays’
- involvement in Coastcare’s annual ‘Summer by the Sea’ program
- publications to educate and engage the community with local ecosystems and places, including for indigenous flora and fauna and place-based environment booklets
The reach and impact of these activities engaged over 20,000 people in 2019, with 5,673 publications distributed, 5,360 plants revegetated, 45,000 pieces of litter removed and 1,128 reusable cups distributed. Bellarine Catchment Network’s engagement is creative and memorable, using emotive action-based messages to inspire, inform and drive ownership of action.

Page last updated: 20/11/20